
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Photo Shoots, Part 1

I've been off taking photos in different suits and outfits with an awesome wedding/professional photographer, Cassie. Check out her website here.

Below are some of the photos we took.

First a 1940s leather jacket with a very itchy modern wool sweater.

click images to enlarge

Then a 1930s English Drape sport coat with 1930s wool tie and modern shirt and trousers.


More to come in a bit.


  1. Looking forward to next parts!

  2. Will - finally you decided to use a great photographer. You looked good before - now you look awesome! Find a way to do this again:)

  3. Antonio- Cassie's my girlfriend so there's a good chance this will happen quite a bit in the future. ;)

  4. Very nice pro photo sets; I especially like the second look. I'm also digging the great location photography. For some reason, the jacket in the first set makes me think of old-school Western cavalry (though I'm fairly sure they didn't wear leather jackets).
