
Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Black Friday reminds me of why I'm glad I collect vintage: while the hoards of 'sheeple' trample and shoot each other in their desire for crap that will be thrown out after a year, I look for long forgotten things of high quality in which few others are interested.

Today, the (deadly) national holiday to consumerism. How sad.


  1. Did you see in the news that a temporary worker at a Wal-Mart in Long Island was trampled to death because they lacked adequate crowd control. A new low in mindless consumerism. I love the term "sheeple"!

  2. I hear ya. It seems that the vintage items, especially shoes, were much better made. Just the thought of those crowds makes me queasy.

  3. you do wear some crap though if you are truly honest

  4. the preppy pauper is not like everyone else. now we know
