
Sunday, September 14, 2008


The "what I wore" posts are getting to be special and more interesting than those in the past. That's because not only am I finding more vintage pieces but it's getting cooler out and most of those pieces are pretty heavy and warm.

*late '20s/early '30s suit
*'30s tie
*'40s Champ Homburg
*Allen Edmonds

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The trousers are amazingly long, straight legged and high-waisted. The legs measure a circumference of 20" at the hem! And what drape.

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This suit is truly lovely. No union or maker's tags, but the styling speaks of the late-1920s or very early 1930s. Nope, they don't make 'em like this anymore.


  1. DB with a waistcoat, awesome! I would have a hard time wearing that even in winter in Atlanta.

  2. Yes indeed. But, isn't it amazing that back then they actually things like that in the full summer heat? And they weren't your modern light-weight fabrics either.
    They sure suffered for their style.

  3. That homburg looks wonderful, the outfit really works. Why don't people wear hats anymore? Life would be so much more fun...
